Thursday, November 15, 2007

Here we go - the pics you all (is anyone reading this?) have been waiting for! Robin has trained Christian to wash dishes. And he's good! Ryan's just trained to look cute. It works for him.

And I've trained Owen to watch TV. Greatness.

Also this is Austin giving money to his giving box. I have him a buck, and he did not want to save it for toys. He wants to give to the needy. And he doesn't believe in Santa, so it's not like someone tricked him with the whole, "Santa's watching!" gimic. This kid is the real deal. Going for sainthood at the age of 8.

Last night

Hello! Sorry I haven't been giving updates. We spent earlier this week with Robin's family. Christian washed dishes and I taught Ryan and Owen the song they play for Kelly Raspberry - "It's all about me!" Seriously - they were singing it. SO cute!

Last night, we went to Gameworks with one of my Prego BFFs, Alissa. Owen had a blast. Another prego BFF, Veronica, had given us a card with over 2,000 points on it. Owen got a new Spongebob, and a pack of miniature Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He loved them.

Here's a picture off my phone.
I'll put pics of the Lius up soon.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Halloween - 2007

Hello! This is the first Owen blog!

This Halloween Owen went trick-or-treating with his friend Holton. However, instead of saying "trick or treat" he just said "thank you." I could tell he had no idea why everyone wanted to give him candy.

We had some great friends over early - Kim, Adam, Holton, Vicky, Dustin, Michelle - and later Mom and Teddy joined in the fun.

It was such a blast that we decided this would become a new tradition - Halloween at Owen's house!