Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Owen is 5

Work or Blog today? Work or Blog today? Hmmm... I think you can see who won.
We'll kick this segment off with the Rodeo.
Robin invited Owen and I to go to the Rodeo in Mesquite Saturday. If you know how I feel about anything country related, you know I was looking for any excuse to get out of this. I think I stood there just with my mouth open trying to think of ANYTHING, but I had nothing, and she just looked at me confused until I said, "thank you I'd love to go."
Surprisingly, it was a total blast. Check these monkey's out.

Totally forgot to add how flossy we were. We had our own private suite. Those kids were so pumped. For like an hour. Then they were driving us nuts.

So, now they are all done with horses and cowboys, and get all goofy on us. I love these.

They honestly looked like they were making fun of those turban guys (you know, guys that wear turbans?). And they were really selling the look. After a while, the big kids were like, "look, 20 minutes ago, I thought you three were, special. But now - can we borrow the hats?"

Whoa - I'm totally going out of order here. Back up to Thursday, Owen and Ryan had a joint (as in shared, not rolled up marijuana) birthday party at Pump it Up. or Pump Me as Kim calls it.

Lots of jumping and running around.

That is honestly the clearest picture I got of Owen in the bounce house, as he would not stop moving.

Cake. Robin calls her own kid a Muppet mouth in this picture. Dang good analogy.


Also - Alissa's kid has a mullet. Poor Travis.

Hold on!!! I had to work for a second - walked down to my box and found this guy waiting for me in my box! I was all, no way, Robin wouldn't do that to me. Yes she did.

Yes. That is a thank you card. Where do you think Owen's thank you cards are? I'd say, um.... still at Hallmark. Haven't even bought thank you cards for the party. Dang over-achiever of a sister.
Seacrest out!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Kim has threatened me

Okay - Kim threatened to take me off her blog if I don't update mine. But I don't have anything crazy. Let's see. Dad's in Thailand. That's a given 75% of the time. I'm kind of boring today..

What else... Alissa (from below Loft story) has had her baby. Check Travis and Alissa out.

Cute - right?

Okay - Speaking of which. I saw Alissa a couple weeks ago for Short Melissa's 30th birthday party. Where as I haven't uploaded those pictures off my camera yet, I totally can show you something even more interesting that I took on my phone. Our waiter's hand.

Yes, that's a condom on his finger. Apparently he got a cut, and didn't want blood or the bandaid over it to fall into our food. So - what does any normal person do, put a condom on thier finger.

Look I've been in this situation, like - never, so who am I to judge. He was just thinking of the customer.